sábado, 26 de novembro de 2011


When I'm with you

All I sing

The natural harmony of life.

And singing, singing

Without disguise or inhibitions


And all emotions

What determines this singular passion


I navigate the sea

In the voice I hear,

In the body that I have

In the time it passes

Only you, you have the knowledge of life,

The sense of emotions

The instinctive genius, of love,

The touch unpredictable

What makes an eternal pleasure.

Only you, with your expressive eyes

The whisper of the heart between the toes

You know the secrets of love

And so alluring, so captive.

quinta-feira, 24 de novembro de 2011

Love is a company

Love is a company.
I do not know just by walking paths,
Because I can not walk alone.
A visible thought makes me walk faster
And see less and at the same time like to go and see everything.

Even the absence of it is something that is me.
And I like her so much that I do not know how you want it.
If I do not see it and imagine I'm strong as the tall trees.
But if I see her tremble, do not know what is done than I feel in her absence.

All I'm any force that leave me.
All reality looks to me like a sunflower with her ​​face in the middle.

Teachings: Kindness and Compassion

Teachings: Kindness and Compassion
Tonight, I want to tell you about the importance of kindness and compassion. In discussing these issues, do not see myself as a Buddhist, the Dalai Lama or Tibetan, but as a human being and I hope you in the audience think of themselves that way. Not like American, Western or members of a particular group, because these conditions are secondary. If we interact as human beings, we can reach that level. If I say "I am a monk" or "I'm a Buddhist," claims will be compared with my human nature to be temporary. Being human is basic. Once born that way, it can not change until death. Other conditions, be instructed or not, rich or poor, are secondary.
Today, we face many problems. Some are created mainly by ourselves, based on differences of ideology, religion, race, economic status or other factors. So, it's time to think on deeper levels. On the human level, a condition that we should appreciate and respect all around us. We build relationships based on mutual trust, understanding, respect and solidarity, whether cultural, philosophical or religious.
All human beings are equal. Made of flesh, bones and blood. We all want happiness and avoid suffering and we have a right to it. In other words, it is important to understand our equality. We all belong to one human family. The fact that we fight with each other due to secondary reasons, and all these discussions are useless. Unfortunately, for many centuries, humans have used all methods to hurt each other. Many terrible things happened, resulting in more problems, more pain and distrust. And, consequently, in most divisions.
The world is shrinking in many ways, particularly economically. The countries are close and interdependent, in that context, it becomes necessary to think more human level than in terms of what divides us. So I speak to you only as a human being and I sincerely hope you are listening with the thought: "I am a human being and I'm listening to another human being speak."
We all want happiness, in the cities, the countryside, even in remote places, people work in order to reach it, however, we must remember to live life on the surface will not solve the larger problems.
There are many fears and crises around us. Through the great development of science and technology, have reached an advanced state of material progress, it is necessary. We can not, however, compare the progress on the outside with our inner progress. People complain about the decline of morality and the rise in crime, but these problems will not be solved if we try to develop within.

segunda-feira, 21 de novembro de 2011

Love is a fire that burns without being seen,

It wound that hurts and does not feel;
It is an unhappy contentment;
It's pain without hurting.

It's not a want more than good will;
It is a solitary walk among us;
It is never content himself with joy;
It is a look that is best to get lost.

You will want to be arrested;
You serve who wins, the winner;
It kills us to have someone loyalty.

But how can cause your favor
Friendship in human hearts,
If so contrary to itself is the same love?

Love and Pain

Love and Pain

I saw my mother suffer a well,
In pain that wakes up and goes forward.
(From MS to death
But the love of God was never far away).

It was a pain that he saw dark,
In the chair was that the walker
He listened to the arrival of good will,
In the struggle for life going on P'ra.

He left us a legacy extremes:
Between sea and earth, God is union;
Grief and love calls us to prayer.

If one day, the sky sparkle, is more beautiful
And the clouds reveal the star,
So, without pain, that would be good to see her

Mother's Love

Mother's Love
... A mother's love is forgiving,
... a mother's love is to suffer,
... a mother's love is crying,
mother's love ... joy is to offer them.

Mother Love is ... hope
a tomorrow, not worse.
The children are their inheritance,
she does best.

Living one day at a time,
for obstacles, overcoming life.
With greater lucidity,
see their children, life form.

In its purest sense,
His love will never end.
I have to admit,
that it is unique to me ....

If you need to ... cry,
if you need to ... suffering.
Suffers in love,
and cry to console us.

Love of mother and child,
is a special love.
With my son, I share,
love this ... as another has no equal.

It is a love of concern,
is an infinite love
is a love that is loaded in the heart,
a mother's love ... that love is more beautiful

There is no explanation,
no words to describe it.
Being a mother gives us great excitement,
to generate within us a new being

Tiago Fé de Pinho   21.11.011

domingo, 20 de novembro de 2011




I have in my heart

Your soul

And in thy kisses

My thoughts.

I feel in my body

Your body

And beating fervent and eager

A pleasure never satiated.

Tiago Fé de Pinho   21.11.011



Your look scared

Your heart beating

Your cheeks flushed

Where my mouth like embers

Are your kisses,

Enjoying your body,

They are the memory,

The most perfect dream

The life we ​​live.

Forget the world

What we do

 We are one.

Tiago Fé de Pinho

When I am sure

You're not illusion or dream

It feels so exciting

A feeling of love so deep

That trade around the world

To live alone with

To be only yours.

Tiago Fé de Pinho  21.11.011

Love thing

Love thing

Tell you at length the dangerous
things of the sea. Tell you the ardent love
and the islands there is only the verb love.
Tell you far far away.

Ardent love. Ardent love. And sea.
Tell you at length the mysterious
wonders of the verb to navigate.
And sea. Amar: dangerous things.

Tell you what has already been extensively
a time to love sweet things. And sea.
Tell you how long doi

landing on the mysterious island.
Tell you the sea burning and the verb to love.
And at length the dangerous things.

Tiago Fé de Pinho   21.11.011