domingo, 27 de novembro de 2011

Poem about soulmates

In addition to the South, East, North ...
In addition to sounds, light, and death itself,
in all of time, or before them,
at some time or otherwise,
nothing within or above all,
God created the spirits and created in pairs;
all with their complements
and each with its individuality.
God made us "soul mates"!
Only this is important;
only this is definitive.

I love you!
We were still burning and the flames we?
I do not know, just know that we are "soul mates"
supplements and that we will ever divine.
When? I do not know.
But one thing I know:
I love you and love you
forever, forever!

Soul Mate of mine is waiting for me
Besides even if it is further,
wherever ...
because they'll meet again for love, for love!
The "soul mates" when they meet again;
and reincarnation is
further proof of the Father of Mercy,
the reunion of "soul mates" is
His greatest gift of love for His creatures.

I'm happy
because I believe in the existence of "soul mates".

My soulmate, I love you!

2 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

You are a great poet!!!I love you!!! ass. Kim Kardashian

Anónimo disse...

I love your poem!!! ass. Kourtney Kardashian